Dublin Zoo

Kilmainham Gaol

Trinity College Dublin

Dublin's Best Cinemas

Top 33 Things to Do in Dublin

Advice in Spanish on Moving to Dublin/Ireland : ‘¿Planeas mudarte a Dublín? Aquí puedes encontrar algunos consejos útiles en español’
Dublín Irlanda, un lugar maravilloso, pequeño comparado con México y mágico como ninguno. Lleno de naturaleza asombrosa y con un clima muy particular y especial lo cual lo hace único.Aquí algunos consejos de lo primero que se sugiere obtener cuando se viene por primera vez a vivir en este hermoso país. Si se viene a estudiar y/o trabajar se tiene que obtener lo siguiente para estar legalmente en el país:

Shopping in Dublin

Top 5 Free things to do in Dublin
We all love free stuff! so why not see the city on a budget! Below we list 5 Free places or things you can do in Dublin city whilst on a short trip. A Top tip is that most museuems in Dublin are free to visit with a donation only appreciated. They are also closed on Monday's so bare that in mind. Enough said let's dive right in!

Dublin's Best Coffee Shops
We all love our daily dose of Caffeine to kick start or day, or even evening depending on your disposition. Here we list some of Dublin’s best Coffee fixes and cosy/unique places to enjoy a hot brew whilst in the City.

Hostel Tips & Inside Info
These are some general rules and advice for staying in a hostel or backpackers, we all want our Hostel experience to be enjoyable and stress free…so these are some quick Hostel tips & tricks in order to keep both you and the staff at the hostel on sweet terms..